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Swingin CulTours through the metropolis of Westphalia.

The meeting point for all tours is at 12:00 on Picassoplatz (after the flash mob, which starts there at 11:30).

To participate in the tours "From Owl to Meerkat" and "Creative Quay"  you need a bicycle.

(Deutsche Version hier)


From Owl to Meerkat

From the old zoo and the residence of its eccentric director, your bike takes you along the Aasee to the new zoo. By the wayside there are contemporary sculpture projects to admire.

For this tour you need a bicycle.


Magical Mystery Tour

You will visit an exhibition about a world-famous magician from Münster and discover mysterious places in the city that not everyone knows about.


Must Sees

Highlights in the city center: entertaining stories about the cages on the church tower, magnificent gabled houses, war and peace, a female tower guardian and the underworld vernacular.


Creative Quay

From a transhipment and storage site for grain, Münster's harbour has been transformed into a creative quay and promenade. Take the Leeze (münsterländish for bicycle) to explore the canal bank and the former warehouses. 

For this tour you need a bicycle.


Take a Walk on the Salt Road

The old trading street in the city centre is full of surprises: You will discover modern art in unexpected places and experience the ballroom of the Erbdrostenhof, which will be opened especially for you.

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Münsters Swing Exchange

Der Verein Be lindy! e.V. wurde 2018 gegründet, um die Organisation des ersten Swing Exchange in Münster auf sichere Füße zu stellen. Im Juni 2019 durften wir ein wundervolles Wochenende mit tanzbegeisterten Gästen aus nah und fern verbringen – die ultimative Midsummerhop Münster-Premiere!

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